“Bible-Comes-Alive” Educational Mural Project

I am sharing here an opportunity for my customer base who are in the body of Christ to participate in helping fund a huge “anchor project” endeavor for me in 2025 that will also have potential far-reaching applications within many communities of Christian believers.

I ask that you would prayerfully consider making just a $10 donation to this! I want to keep the momentum going, and this project is definitely within the possibility of coming to fruition if a number of people among my customer base take action today!

Also, I am asking you to share this “Bible-Comes-Alive” Educational Mural Campaign with a few other friends in your own faith community/context. Thank you!

I am putting this link here, but have copied the campaign details below for easier, immediate browsing.

To donate $10 today, please click here.


Over the past weeks the “Bible-Comes-Alive Educational Mural Project” has evolved in my mind, and I am quite excited to get started on the journey that I envision this will be.

This proposal is intended to provide opportunity for others in the body of Christ to participate in both the funding and the collaborative creative process that produces a full color panoramic mural 4 ft x 72 ft which will be reproducible at various scale and formats/applications for churches, Christian school and colleges, bible camps and other ministries.

I thank you in advance for carefully reviewing this in its entirety, and I am hopeful of your response in some manner—whether it be a funding pledge of just $10 or $1000. After reading of my envisioning of the project in detail, I hope that you will eagerly support bringing this project to its full fruition.

The implementation and success of this huge undertaking (which I anticipate will take about 1000 hours plus materials) with all its potential benefits to both others and myself (as an artist) is truly in the hands of the collective body of Christ!  Since this idea crosses over my own limit of church-based connections I have formed over the years, I am hoping that you will help broaden the reach in this endeavor.

And, I thank you in advance for whatever you choose to do!

Before I move on in specifics, I invite you to enjoy this first video of my creation of the Mini-Concept-Design which I did in order to better convey what I am envisioning in my artistic eye.

Recently a friend asked me if I knew who the first person specifically described as being “filled with the Holy Spirit” in the bible was.

I was stumped.

I wanted to say “Adam?”

(And I do believe this bible “trivia” of sorts may be a technicality, and dependent on how we understand/define that question.)

However, my friend said “nope” and told me that it was an artist.

A Google search tells us this:

“According to Exodus 31:1-5, Bezalel was the first person in the Bible to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Bezalel was an artist who created the Tabernacle of the Lord. 


  • God filled Bezalel with the Holy Spirit before calling him to create the Tabernacle. 
  • The Holy Spirit gave Bezalel wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skills for working with gold, silver, bronze, wood, and stone. 
  • The passage is part of a larger section of Scripture where the Lord gives Moses instructions on Mount Sinai. 

Before I go further, I believe it always helps to put a face–and a voice–with written narrative.  Here is a short video I made. 

This project would be implemented in three phases, requiring three separate Spotfund campaigns.

(The Phase 2 would become available when I’m about one month into the Phase 1 work, and the Phase 3 when I’m another month into the Phase 2 work.)

Each stage/campaign will produce a “standalone” finished work, and will also be the stepping stone to take the project to the next phase.

The first phase of the campaign is set at the highest cost, since this phase will require the highest amount of research/planning/preliminary work, as well as outlay of money for necessary supplies.

An overall summary of the project is:
To create and form a well-researched, cohesive design that would be engaging in a number of potential settings, and depict a number of elements which will visually revolve around each of the sixty-six books of the bible.

Unlike simplistic posters which already exist and attempt to visually depict the entirety of the bible for Sunday Schools and other contexts, this would be a unique new work.

By the end of Phase 3,
I would produce one single large-scale original artwork suitable for installation in a number of potential Christian church-contexts such as a hallway of a congregation’s Sunday School classroom, a parish fellowship hall, the hallway of a Christian school or Christian college, a church camp building, or a large meeting room in the building of a Christian community-based ministry of some sort.

Since the original mural (by “original” I am meaning the “hand-done” artwork) will be quite large, I will need to later explore and find a suitable “forever home” of this work.

However, this original work will be designed and completed in such a step-by-step way that it is reproducible in full or in part (and at smaller scale sizes) for multiple “forever homes” that might want any of the “derivative” potentials.

When I use the word “derivative” in this art context, I am speaking of reproductions in the form of displayable prints, bound booklets for study or contemplation, or perhaps other potential uses for either parts of or the entire work that might not yet be envisioned…

Essentially, I am asking those whom I might reach and connect with in the body of Christ to collectively fund this endeavor, to collectively participate in its research of ideas/give feedback on the unfolding design work, and to also collectively contribute to helping me to explore what church or other church-related-entity will be the final recipient of this work.

Yes, this work will essentially be gifted to a (yet unknown) congregation or church-based setting (possibly a Christian school, community ministry or denominational church camp, for example, or simply to a specific church congregation somewhere in the United States).

In this process, you will not only be helping me as an artist to self-create a large anchor project for this year 2025  that will help me move forward in my own personal context, but you will also be funding me to use my God-given gifts (as I’ve done for the past 35 years) to bless others, and to be of further and more deeply expanding creative service within the body of Christ.

I believe 2025 is a time where we who follow Christ should be staying close to scripture, and also encouraging others to do the same. A massive Christian-based visual arts project such as I am envisioning needs to be comprehensive, well-researched, well-designed, and theologically sound.

I want this project to reflect an indisputable basic set of facts and historical orthodoxy that will make it suitable across all Christian, bible-believing denominations or non-denominations.

Meaning, for just one example, that I will need to be very careful in my research/design work as I visually incorporate potential ranges of understandings concerning a specific book’s biblical authorship/dating, if those exist and are subject to any true uncertainty.

I hope that I am not over-thinking this aspect.

I’m an artist and a deep thinker, too, as most artists, poets, musicians tend to be!

 (Above) Me over-thinking at two years old!

(Above) Me over-thinking at three years old!

(Above) Me excited about an idea at four(?) years old!

(So after artistically over-thinking all this!) I do anticipate needing to consult various clergy that I have known with any questions/clarifications/need for input beyond “Google” research that might arise.

Perhaps at this point, without fully understanding the scope of this project, this point may be confusing.

So…”just what ARE you envisioning, Eileen?” (you ask!)

Before I outline the entire project in some bullet point details, let me say that I’m currently envisioning the following:

Each illustration of the sixty-six biblical books as separate visually jacket-bound books, with its title, authorship, date visually presented, as well as a main jacket illustration of one of the most central stories of the book. From these sixty-six “anchor images” will flow a number of other visual/calligraphic elements.

Here is a very short video to help you further envision…

I am putting forth the “Bible-Comes-Alive Educational Mural Project” proposal below with a view toward explaining the incremental nature of this project.

Over many years, I have been a creative person who does extremely well at tackling huge projects (as well as smaller but “complex” projects) by breaking them down in my mind and approach into step-by-step components.

In my mind, this large scale “anchor project” (how I will view this alongside my current artistic workload) is no different.

I consider watercolor to be my main and best medium over the years, and I had my business start as a calligrapher.  So in a sense, I am excited by a project of this nature and scale that uses skills I first developed so many, many years ago!

Many artists cannot tolerate watercolor because it does require a good amount of pre-planning/sequencing skills. It seems that God has gifted me so that I am very mentally/creatively suited to this somewhat difficult art medium and its process.

While I have done a number of wall murals throughout my art career, I have never envisioned or done an original mural intended to be executed in pen-and-ink with watercolor or other mixed media (guache/acrylics, if needed in certain spots).

I suppose one might ask, “why is this a mural if it will not be painted directly on a wall?”

That is a reasonable artistic question.   I am classifying it as a “mural” due to its size and presentation format.  Ultimately, if there was ever a congregation/setting that in the future wanted this entire design work replicated directly on walls using acrylic paint, that would also be possible.  And the work facilitated by this project.

However, I am not currently considering this to be something I would be planning to do.  It is beyond the scope of my envisioning, but, in yet another realm of distant future possibilities…

The challenge of this piece truly excites me.

I envision it bringing to the creative table almost every skill I have so diligently developed during the past thirty-five+ years of my developing art career.

I know that sometimes, the following quote from the book of Esther may seem to be utilized out of its context, and I don’t want to do that! At the same time, it does enter my mind conceptually, that perhaps I have been prepared for this work (and other similar works in my future) “for such a time as this.”

So with that possibility on the table, so-to-speak, I do earnestly ask that you would prayerfully consider what I am asking of you and respond as God leads.

Phase 1: Produce basic black-and-white complete design layout including the 66 books and calligraphic elements; do this work on the original nine panels in ink; do all research/planning for Phase 2.  The end result of Phase 1 will be a standalone linear black-and-white mural.

Phase 2: Add story illustration details to the nine black-and-white original mural panels. The end result of Phase 2 will be a standalone black-and-white mural with additional illustration details.

Phase 3: Complete color painting of complete full mural; determine the original mural’s “forever home”; install mural onsite.  The end result of Phase 3 will be the completed standalone full color mural.

As the master artwork moves through each of the above phases, it would be done in a step-by-step fashion that makes it reproducible and adaptable to several other forms that might be quite useful to a congregation, school or ministry.

The cost of derivative products would be structured so as to be affordable in an average congregational context in some of the various options/formats.  Those who participate in the funding of this work would have additional tier-level incentives/rewards structured so that their own church congregation might benefit is some way through their personal investment into this endeavor.

Meaning that the finished, standalone works from Phases 1 & 2, while not yet available in full color artwork form (with the original work only available to find a home in one, particular location to later be determined as part of Phase 3), would be available for reproduction in their less-than-fully-potentialized completion, but still worthy of a number of intermediate “end uses.”

The following are just some examples of potential “end uses” within a congregational setting:

►Mural images might be used in conjunction with teaching adult Sunday School or high school youth group an overview of the bible.

►Black-and-white intermediate stage mural prints might find unique creative completion (the color illustration parts) by a church’s youth group, or ladies group, for example. (Meaning your youth group or ladies’ group could add color to the black and white version themselves, making it unique and serving as a fun community-building activity).

►Black-and-white/or color images of the mural design content might be bound into an 13 x 19 small book version for group study or personal enjoyment.

Of course, if Phase 2 does not receive continued funding after the full completion of Phase 1,  the standalone black-and-white mural work done to that point would need at that point to find that “forever home” installation. However, I am fully envisioning that when Phase 1 is successfully completed, taking it through the final two phases is not going to be difficult!

By then, the ground-breaking funders and others will see in real time as this project unfolds, and that will help ignite excitement to see it to its full maturation!

Concerning the availability of incentives/derivatives produced in any of the Three Phases of this endeavor, as the artist/designer, I would provide additional ideas and easy instructions how these products might be incorporated into your congregation’s church life and especially within youth groups in creative ways.

Additionally, in any local context, I might also be available to work with a group or two in their own church community. I also think of potential opportunities for homeschoolers to get involved in artistic collaborations based on these initial black-and-white derivative products.

The end product of Phase 1 is a black-and-white only version with adaptable elements.  While I will be illustrating biblical stories inside the adaptable elements during Phase 2, a set of printed canvases from Phase 1 could be sent to the churches of any of the Spotfunder supporters.  The purpose in this would be for artistic people in their congregation to creatively/uniquely build upon my finished work of the Phase 1 product, adapting it with their own creative vision under the creative guidance of one of their own congregation’s members.  Leading members in funder’s own congregation might utilize this process to help engage both young and old and to build community.  In other words, my Phase 1 work could lend itself to a group project by a congregation in another state.

This is just one idea I envision, and I imagine readers may envision additional ideas as they see my work unfold.

I have done a significant amount of “concept mock-ups” that I will present below to help those reading and considering funding this endeavor to more easily see what it is I am envisioning.

This first mini-concept illustration depicts the basic idea of each biblical book having a main calligraphic scripture that has flourishes that serve as “space-creating” elements. These space-creating elements are a kind of vignette-container to hold illustrations, and the tails of the flourishes can be a linear element on which other text information can be placed, or little biblical characters.

Since the idea will surely evolve to some degree as the actual work proceeds, this is just to get an initial glimpse.

I have always found that when I delve into the deep design work of any project, the project idea itself creates a series of both artistic goals and artistic problems which are slowly resolved as the work unfolds.

As one very accomplished artist friend once told me of the painting process:  “Just start…and the painting itself will ‘tell you’ where to go next…”

I am envisioning in Phase 1, a black-and-white only version that is printable on larger or smaller canvases (the size of the original artwork would be a set of nine horizontal segments (oversized watercolor paper panels) measuring 50” x 96” inches which would be hung together for a completely interconnected, panoramic single work based on all sixty-six books.

This final original mural would measure 50” x 864” (~4 ft x 72 ft.) and would not necessarily need a “forever home” that requires the entire length to be place in one single hallway, or wall, for example. There are a number of potential placements which could be adapted to the congregation’s (or school, for example) potentially available ownership-display space.

The following images are a few quick mock-ups intended to help you envision this finished work.

Depending on further design aspects as they evolve, the dimensions might  be slightly adjusted.

The overall (full, 3-Phase) project design currently consists of the following envisioned elements (subject to continued developments and/or changes):

►illustration of each of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament appearing as a separate, visual book and in relative proportional size to the other books

►each book cover would contain the following information presented in visually pleasing lettering

►name of the book (ex. Genesis)

►author of the book; most accepted dating of the book

►books will serve as anchor points throughout the overall mural design

►calligraphy with interconnected flourishes will serve as formats to create vignette-style illustration spaces (containers for a scene, for example)

►artist will involve others who are interested to help determine a single scripture text that will emanate/spring forward from each book (ex. “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” might become the selected text to flow out from the book of Joshua)

►artist will involve/collaborate with others who are interested for idea and determining how many mini-scenes might lend themselves to illustrations, and then integrate this plan into how/where calligraphy loops can be placed

►artist currently envisions (subject to adaptation) these calligraphy flourishes flowing in and out and in between each book in a visual manner that communicates continuity and inter-relatedness (and progression) between the separate books

►the communication of the genre category of each book and their grouping in our “bible” as such, needs to be communicated through artistic visual presentation which may rely on both color and informational text within the overall layout

►the calligraphy flourishes will also provide a space for the depiction of individual figures who play central roles in each book; text will likely be needed to additionally identify these figures, and part of the design process involves how to create something intricate and visually engaging that will help others across all ages to find something to engage with—and especially to keep engaging with

►each book of the bible will be illustrated in ratio/proportion to the others

►artist envisions a mural such as this to be a springboard for conversations within congregational life for years to come, and that children will “grow with it” over the years and grandparents can lift up little ones to look more closely at its parts

►artist envisions a need to get back to basics of creating emphasis on bible literacy, scripture memorization, and redeeming the very real need to stimulate/engage newcomers which includes creating a biblically-welcoming, biblically-stimulating visual environment

►artist anticipates that such a project has potential of great positive impact within the broader body of Christ, but will require others to catch the vision for such a work and eventually help also collaborate/participate in some small or large way to make it available in years to come

►reproduction potential will need further exploration but be based upon possibilties of scaling down the nine panels, or breaking each of the nine panels into same-scale segaments

►reproduction potential exists for smaller 11 x 17 bound prints with other study outlines suitable for group discussion, with the mural design a nice visual aid

►artist also envisions possibly indicating in the overall design some type of element/motif communicating both the divine inspiration and human authorship of each book, as well as possibly a bottom pictorial foundation of a series of a row of horizontally-arranged Bibles with their translation name, dates, etc. upon them. A variation/option on this would be to stand translations vertically in sequence as a row of books, with interspersing in this “timeline” central figures/events in church history, or other titles of works by church fathers to contemporary theologians and study guides. This variation may become problematic, and too complicated, so it may be eliminated or adapted, during the collaborative design process

►artist envisions single larger character may be illustrated standing atop each separate book, serving as central figures…this is in conjunction with other figures “walking along” the calligraphy loops as in a kind of “trail”….

►artist envisions possibly incorporating additional smaller scriptures in calligraphy as space fillers between the main single scripture from each book

Phase 1: $12,000 goal

My fundraising goals for the entire 3-Phase campaign total is allocated in each phase based on the following estimations of total time and costs for the entire 3-Phase project. 

Should any adjustments be made to these anticipated costs, it would later alter (either lower or higher) my current projection for Phases 2 & 3.

Total Project Estimated Costs 
         (Each of the 66 Bible Books)Hours
          Design/original Art5
 15 Hours
15 x 66 Total Hours990 Hours
(3) 51” x 10 yard Watercolor Paper Rolls
for original work
Misc supplies$100.00
Phase 3 (Finishing for Installation) 
4 x 8 Plexi-glass Sheets (need 9)$900.00
Canvases for bottom history timeline
for original
Paint and Misc supplies$400.00
Other Considerations 
Payment Processing around 3% 
Physical Installation Costs of Original Mural 

Finished product: Black-and-white only original artwork (at full size estimation above) produced on medium weight watercolor using black pigmented ink, and scanned at resolution high enough to potentially further enlarge. This finished result/product from Phase 1 can then progress into Phase 2, if funding is obtained.

The Phase 1 design work/product will be limited to only the initial black-and-white design concept/execution of this part of the original artwork.

Meaning it will result in the initial stage of the original artwork production but will be limited to the following:

Calligraphy/scriptures/loop structures to include the sixty-six books of the bible, and any row of bible translations/books/historical timeline across the bottom of design. This first stage will not include biblical scene illustrations within the loops, nor illustrations of any bible characters, or any smaller quotations, details that may become part of the Phase 2 design process. For artistic aesthetics, this initial version will also not include authors/dates or other information within the visuals of the artwork itself, but study notes to that point on what will be planned into the Phase 2 of the design/original art will be included in text format, separately.

Phase 1: $12,000 goal
Completion Date of Phase 1: Three Months From Receipt of Funding

Rewards for Phase 1 funders are as follows:

$25 donation receives high resolution files suitable to printing in black-and-white on your church (or for ex. Homeschool co-op’s) copying machine for use within an educational group setting. Your reward can be gifted to someone else, if you foresee no need for it. File will have a faint watermark in each image with the title Bible-Comes-Alive Educational Mural Project” in the background, and is not intended to be shared with others more broadly. Each additional $25 donation in increments between $50-$200, you can share these files with additional people in your own Christian context. Ex. $100 donation allows you to use the watermarked files and share them with three other people you know, with the agreement they will not redistribute the work beyond that.

$125 donation receives a set of four notecards with my initial concept idea-snippet example based on the book Genesis.

$250 donation receives a single copy, spiral bound 13 x 19 horizontal book that has the images set up of the entire mural (at Phase 1), along with additional easy-study note summaries. These books are black-and-white, and the printed images will not have a watermark within them.

$500 donation receives a matted/frameable 16 x 20 print with my initial concept idea-snippet example based on the book Genesis.

$1000 donation receives the ability to order a set of canvas prints made for your own church hall, for example, at cost-only of the specific reproduction size/shipping. Meaning, if you help significantly fund this project, the Phase 1 high resolution files can be printed and shipped to you with you only paying the actual printing/shipping costs. For example, I use Easy Canvas Prints in Texas. I’ve been very pleased with their work. A preliminary pricing on a single 32 (width) x 48 (height) inch canvas would be $132.60, currently, plus their shipping costs. Since this project design is a set of nine panels, it would need 27 panels to reproduce at full scale, and estimated cost at full scale size would be around $3580 plus shipping.  I would imagine many churches would want a smaller scale reproduction for display in their setting, which of course would reduce the actual costs of reproduction.  I would be happy to handle the uploading/ordering of these canvas sets at this size or smaller, for donors that make an investment of $1000 into this endeavor.

Phase 2: $6,000 goal

The Phase 2 design work/product will build upon the initial black-and-white design concept/execution produced in Phase 1. Meaning it will result in the second stage of the original artwork production but will be limited to the following: continued black-and-white line illustrations of biblical scenes, characters, and the addition of other details/addition smaller scriptures to be presented in visual, artistic text form. This second stage will not include any painting/coloration of the original artwork (that will be completed in Phase 3) but will include the scanned black-and-white line version being filled with “solid colors” by computer, to give it a bit of a finished look, but not with the complete style rendering, hand-painted brushwork that the one-and-only mural original will contain.

Phase 2: $6,000 goal

Completion Date of Phase 2: Three Months From Receipt of Funding

Below is a similarly finished “mini-concept” of the Phase 2 details added:

Rewards for Phase 2 funders are as follows:

$25 donation receives high resolution files suitable to printing in black-and-white on your church (or for ex. Homeschool co-op’s) copying machine for use within an educational group setting. Your reward can be gifted to someone else, if you foresee no need for it. File will have a faint watermark in each image with the title Bible-Comes-Alive Educational Mural Project” in the background, and is not intended to be shared with others more broadly. Each additional $25 donation in increments between $50-$200, you can share these files with additional people in your own Christian context. Ex. $100 donation allows you to use the watermarked files and share them with three other people you know, with the agreement they will not redistribute the work beyond that.

$125 donation receives a set of four notecards with my initial concept idea-snippet example based on the book Genesis.

$250 donation receives a single copy, spiral bound 13 x 19 horizontal book that has the images set up of the entire mural (at Phase 2), along with additional easy-study note summaries. These books are black-and-white, and the printed images will not have a watermark within them.

$500 donation receives a matted/frameable 16 x 20 print with my initial concept idea-snippet example based on the book Genesis.

$1000 donation receives the ability to order a set of canvas prints made for your own church hall, for example, at cost-only of the specific reproduction size/shipping. Meaning, if you help significantly fund this project, the Phase 2 high resolution files can be printed and shipped to you with you only paying the actual printing/shipping costs. For example, I use Easy Canvas Prints in Texas. I’ve been very pleased with their work. A preliminary pricing on a single 32 (width) x 48 (height) inch canvas would be $132.60, currently, plus their shipping costs. Since this project design is a set of nine panels, it would need 27 panels to reproduce at full scale, and estimated cost at full scale size would be around $3580 plus shipping.  I would imagine many churches would want a smaller scale reproduction for display in their setting, which of course would reduce the actual costs of reproduction.  I would be happy to handle the uploading/ordering of these canvas sets at this size or smaller, for donors that make an investment of $1000 into this endeavor.

Phase 3: $6,000 goal

The Phase 3 design work/product will build upon the additional illustration/design work produced in Phase 2. Meaning it will result in the third stage completion of the original artwork production and the scanning/editing work required for future reproductions, and potential marketing of the product in increasingly new contexts beyond the initial funding donors.

This third stage will bring the completely envisioned project to its immediate close, and as part of Phase 3, artist will be interviewing/engaging with anyone interested in being permanent “host home” of this original artwork. Artist reserves final discretion in discerning, along with others, which church/school/college/ministry should receive this work at no further cost to them beyond any costs of actual installation/transport logistics. At any point during Phase 1, Phase 2 or Phase 3 you can let the artist know you want to be considered as final recipient of the finished original work.

Reproductions that are not included at “print/ship cost only” in donor award structures for any of the three Phases may be purchased at a retail price upon completion/installation/reception dedicabtion of the Phase 3 original mural placement.

Phase 3: $6,000 goal

Completion Date of Phase 3: Three Months From Receipt of Funding

Rewards for Phase 3 funders are as follows:

$25 donation receives high resolution files suitable to printing in full color on your church (or for ex. Homeschool co-op’s) copying machine for use within an educational group setting. Your reward can be gifted to someone else, if you foresee no need for it. File will have a faint watermark in each image with the title Bible-Comes-Alive Educational Mural Project” in the background, and is not intended to be shared with others more broadly. Each additional $25 donation in increments between $50-$200, you can share these files with additional people in your own Christian context. Ex. $100 donation allows you to use the watermarked files and share them with three other people you know, with the agreement they will not redistribute the work beyond that.

$125 donation receives a set of four notecards with my initial concept idea-snippet example based on the book Genesis.

$250 donation receives a single copy, spiral bound 13 x 19 horizontal book that has the images set up of the entire mural (at Phase 3), along with additional easy-study note summaries. These books are full color, and the printed images will not have a watermark within them.

$500 donation receives a matted/frameable 16 x 20 print with my initial concept idea-snippet example based on the book Genesis.

$1000 donation receives the ability to order a set of canvas prints made for your own church hall, for example, at cost-only of the specific reproduction size/shipping. Meaning, if you help significantly fund this project, the Phase 3 high resolution files can be printed and shipped to you with you only paying the actual printing/shipping costs. For example, I use Easy Canvas Prints in Texas. I’ve been very pleased with their work. A preliminary pricing on a single 32 (width) x 48 (height) inch canvas would be $132.60, currently, plus their shipping costs. Since this project design is a set of nine panels, it would need 27 panels to reproduce at full scale, and estimated cost at full scale size would be around $3580 plus shipping.  I would imagine many churches would want a smaller scale reproduction for display in their setting, which of course would reduce the actual costs of reproduction.  I would be happy to handle the uploading/ordering of these canvas sets at this size or smaller, for donors that make an investment of $1000 into this endeavor.

Thank you in advance for your interest in funding/helping promote this project!

Anyone who wants to not only help fund this endeavor but be part of the “Catch-the-Vision” collaboration/research/design development/feedback aspect of this process, will be more than welcome to dialogue with the artist via visual updates and discussions.

Your input is needed, and desired!  If you have specific questions this presentation hasn’t explained well, please do not hesitate to message me by email:  eileenslifer@lettersource.com

Together, let’s help make the bible–God’s Word–great again!

Let’s pull together in this multi-faceted endeavor and see what God does with it all!

I’m ready to go “all in” on this project, and I hope that you will be “in” as well, in whatever capacity God might lead you!

Eileen Slifer, Artist
Visual Design Arts


(Above) An impromptu image of two young children more closely studying a painting I did in 2015 for St. John’s Episcopal Church in Decatur, Alabama.   Such images delight my heart!

Below is the gist of all nine panels (but not with their selected scripture text):

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