Answering Questions–and Gratitude For Momentum!

Just as each of us has one body with many members, and not all members have the same function, so in Christ we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another. We have different gifts according to the grace given us. If one’s gift is prophecy, let him use it in proportion to his faith; if it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is giving, let him give generously; if it is leading, let him lead with diligence; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.

~Romans 12:4-8

I am happy to share that I currently have about 8% of my total fundraising goal met for the “Bible-Comes-Alive Educational Mural Project.”

I would like to keep the momentum going and raise the full amount needed so that I can begin turning even more attention toward the work involved in this project. It truly excites me!

I would LOVE to be able to soon order the three rolls of 51 inch by 10 yard watercolor paper that will be needed for this project and begin step-by-step cutting into 4 ft x 8 ft sections and doing a bit of pencil sketch work as I continue to plan/research the needed things for the design work. These rolls cost about $235 each plus shipping (they are heavy and large) so as soon as the full $12,000 is funded I will place my order for those.

Last night I shared the message below on Facebook, realizing that others may have some interest but don’t easily understand the project.

I wanted to create opportunity both on social media and here for questions to be asked and for me to clarify the artistic and other aspects of this project, with its intended end results and installation at a (yet unknown) location where hopefully many people can appreciate the work and learn more about each of the 66 books of the bible.

I’m thinking if Christians better understand what I am doing, they would certainly want to help bring this to fruition. Please feel free to comment below on this blog with your questions, or to email me or even text/arrange a phone call to discuss. My cell is 302-463-5459. I find phone conversations are often more helpful than written information.

I was thinking today how the concept/purpose of crowdfunding a project like this may seem elusive. People are used to thinking in terms of purchasing something that has a clear product they will receive.

Why would anyone want to fund something like this where it is unclear what they will receive, where this mural will be placed (the original work) or what the benefit will be?

I think of a couple I knew many years ago who gave some years with Wycliffe Bible Translators, helping translate and create audio-visual media based on the scriptures for a group of people/ethnos in which there wasn’t much available to them from God’s Word.

People supported this work, understanding that they wouldn’t directly receive any product, but they were funding those who were creating these materials for others to benefit from.

As an individual artist, it may seem jarring that I would envision this huge endeavor on my own accord. When someone has a visionary idea and is somehow sponsored by an organization, perhaps the idea is better received.

In my art business, I have always “self-created” my own niche of products/services that both help sustain myself as “self-employed” in my art career, as well as things that utilize my God-given gifts and talents to bless others. This is no different.

If I had a church approach me with this exact idea, I would quote them accordingly. But, it’s unfortunate (or maybe fortunate??!!) that God gave me the idea to pursue, rather than to “respond” to a single client. In this way, this idea can be done in such a way that it might reach multiple congregations, people and places for years to come.

Won’t you please read over the details again and consider making a donation today?

Thank you!

In Christ,

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